Sunday, November 15, 2009

So, Chris arrived for his visit yesterday, and we spent the day together because I had requested the day off. We had gone to bed, and when we woke up, Chris needed to use the bathroom. When he came back, he told me the bedroom floor was wet. I was puzzled, so I checked it out. And yes my floor was wet. I checked the bathroom, but there was no water anywhere, and so after further checking the apartment, I noticed that the kitchen floor was completely wet. I opened my fridge and freezer, and I noticed my freezer was leaking water everywhere! It was coming from the ice maker. Chris managed to move the fridge out so he could unplug it. I stayed close by in case he got electrocuted, and I would have to turn off the power and perform CPR. Luckily nothing like that happened. I called and woke my landlord up at 7 in the morning and told him about it because I was afraid this water thing was affecting his side. He came right over, and helped me. Luckily we had most of it under control and Chris was mopping the floor. My landlord brought over a wet dry vac to dry up the floor in my bedroom. He also brought over a couple of fans and a dehumidifier to dry up my bedroom carpet. Luckily, only half of the bedroom was affected, and only clothes was on the floor that was wet. Luckily putting them through the wash will fix them.
Along with Chris visiting, there was another reason why I needed yesterday off from work. I also had to take the Praxis II test for special education. I had to take two tests. One was writing intensive where I had to answer five essay questions on special education beliefs and procedures. The other test was a multiple choice on more procedures and different signs and symptoms of different disabilities. I don't know how I felt about the test, and I don't know how I did. I think the essay portion was ok, and I knew some of the answers on the multiple choice portion. I hate multiple choice tests because I can easily tell the options that definitely are not the answers, but the ones that might be the answers seem to trip me up. Oh well, I hope to get the results soon, and I hope I did good enough to be accepted into student teaching next semester.