Monday, October 26, 2009

I already want this week to be over!

Ok. It's Monday, but I want the week to be over. Lots of stuff do for class Thursday, including a presentation and a midterm. I spent time writing notes after work today, and I've got almost all the questions from the study guide written. So, I'm well on my way. I have to go the Clark High School tomorrow morning and observe another day of classes.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


I love Sundays! Thanks to my job, it's the only day where I'm guarunteed off. They are trying to pass a law in Indiana that makes it legal to sell alcohol on Sundays. Vote no people! I want to keep my Sundays. Usually I don't like to do anything, but I've got several things due for class on Thursday, so I had to go to the school computer lab to print up things. I went home and typed up most of my educational philosophy paper. I'm almost done with it. I just have to make sure everything flows well and it makes sense. I also have a leson plandue that I'm mostly done with. And then for extra fun, my teacher scheduled our mid term and moved my class presentation to Thursday as well. Boy, well I be glad when this week is over!

I received an interesting email today. Last week, my academic advisor called me to remind me that my student teaching application was due soon, so I finished it and emailed it to the man in charge of that just like my advisor said to do. Well, today, I received an email from the guy saying that he can't accept the application via email, and I have to submit other things as well. My advisor is an idiot! I've felt this way for awhile because whenever I have a meeting with her, she is very spacey. I should have switched awhile ago, but hopefully it won't matter too much now that I'm almost done. I just have to make a special trip to school tomorrow morning before work since I work days all this week, and she made it sound like this needed to be in ASAP.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


So, this is my first post on my new blog. My name is Megan, and I currently am a graduate student at Indiana University Northwest. I also work my family's liquor store business called Nick's Liquors in Hobart, Indiana.

Work today was insane! I worked 12pm to 8pm. When I got to work, I stated wiping and dusting and wine shelves. Mary and Amy opened today. Mary was on register until 3, so I could clean in peace. It was good from 12 to 3, so I cleaned the whole area. When Mary went home at 3, I took over on the register. It was raining most of the day, but later in the afternoon it had cleared up. so I think that is why I think it was insane because everyone in the world decided they were not going to melt so they decided to come to our store. When Amy left at 5, there were like four groups of people who came in all at once. Erin and Dan had come in at 3, so Erin backed me up on the register. The busyness continued pretty much the rest of my shift. After I closed out the register and Erin took over, I went to count, which took forever because of the stupid credit cards. After about 15 to 20 minutes of searching, I finally found the problem, and found out I was $1.81 over. Yay! When I finally got to my car, I called Chris, but he was either not home or asleep. That's ok. I went home and worked on my Facebook farm. I'm now up to level 16!

Ok. Time to go to bed and read. I'm currently reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. It's pretty good so far. I especially liked the first chapter because it is not like the first chapter of the other Harry Potter books.