Sunday, October 25, 2009


I love Sundays! Thanks to my job, it's the only day where I'm guarunteed off. They are trying to pass a law in Indiana that makes it legal to sell alcohol on Sundays. Vote no people! I want to keep my Sundays. Usually I don't like to do anything, but I've got several things due for class on Thursday, so I had to go to the school computer lab to print up things. I went home and typed up most of my educational philosophy paper. I'm almost done with it. I just have to make sure everything flows well and it makes sense. I also have a leson plandue that I'm mostly done with. And then for extra fun, my teacher scheduled our mid term and moved my class presentation to Thursday as well. Boy, well I be glad when this week is over!

I received an interesting email today. Last week, my academic advisor called me to remind me that my student teaching application was due soon, so I finished it and emailed it to the man in charge of that just like my advisor said to do. Well, today, I received an email from the guy saying that he can't accept the application via email, and I have to submit other things as well. My advisor is an idiot! I've felt this way for awhile because whenever I have a meeting with her, she is very spacey. I should have switched awhile ago, but hopefully it won't matter too much now that I'm almost done. I just have to make a special trip to school tomorrow morning before work since I work days all this week, and she made it sound like this needed to be in ASAP.

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