Thursday, December 31, 2009

Would you like to sample some Bailey's Irish cream or some Crown Royal Special Reserve today?

That was a question I asked a lot of people today. I was the Nick's Liquors sample lady today! :) That was a fun job. It took me slightly away from the pressure of the New Year's Eve customers. I was at the counter, and I got to harass the customers when they came up with their purchases. I initially started with Bailey's original and Bailey's caramel, Crown Royal Special Reserve, and El Jimador tequila with margarita mix. The Crown Royal was a big hit, and it soon ran out. The El Jimador and the Bailey's caramel were the next to go. The rest were pretty good, but I still had them when Erin let me go home.

I left work and went to go find a Wii Fit. Unfortunately because I want to just use my Christmas money, I want to get it at Walmart and use my Walmart gift card. I might have to go everyday to check if it's available, or I might look online at the site to store thingy. However, I hope to get it soon.

Going back to my post yesterday about possibly blogging about the Babysitter Club books, I have decided to do that. I hope to start tomorrow with #1 Kristy's Great Idea. I hope to do one or two books a week to get done this year or next year.

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