Sunday, March 7, 2010

I had a good weekend that was spent with my mother. I was given Saturday off from work, and my mom and I had gone to Ikea. I have only been there once before, so it was nice to go again. Shopping at Ikea is like buying and decorating a house in the Sims games. That is because there is display area where they have model rooms that are already completely decorated, and you can pick anything from those rooms to decorate that room in your house. For example, if you like the bedspread and mirror combination in the model bedroom, there are the items you need nearby so you can bring it home and decorate it. Another reason why Ikea is like Sims is because on the other level, you can buy decorative knick knacks for your house, and you can choose from different colors and models. I bought a flour sifter, a corkscrew, 6 wine glasses, a dryer rack, and a silverware separator. And each item I bought had different choices of models and colors to choose from. Still, I was happy with my decision.
After Ikea, we went down the street to Bed, Bath and Beyond so I could finally spend my gift card. I ended up buying a purple blanket comforter for my bed to go with the purple sheets and pillow cases. After that, mom and I had lunch at Panera Bread nearby.
This morning I went to church and bible class, and after spending a little more time with mom and moe, I went home. I spent the last two nights there sleeping in my sister's room on her hard mattress. I think because it was too hard, I didn't sleep very well. So, it is nice to be back in my own bed. :)

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