Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The new Pepsi

Hi all! Today has been surprising. I had to work essentially 9-5 today because today is Wednesday, which in Nick's Liquors #8 language, today is delivery day. We get about half of our deliveries every Wednesday, including most or all of the liquor. This also means that on Wednesdays, I get to see my uncle Nick, who is currently the Nick in Nick's Liquors :). Mostly this is an ok thing for me, unless I am doing something screwy or wrong at the time when he is visiting and evaluating. In that case, he has to play the boss card and not the uncle card and scold me. When he was here today, I was in a crazy mood because I was still going nuts about the dream that I had in the previous post, and so I was jumping up and down and making Erin, my boss, laugh.
There was a time when she and I were talking and laughing like crazy, and Nick happened to notice, and I have to just write down exactly what was said:
Nick: What are you guys on?
Erin: Nothing.
Me: Pepsi!
Nick: I used to drink Pepsi, I never got like that!
Erin: This must be a new kind.

Also, since I was off yesterday, I told Amy and Erin my crazy dream, and both thought it was funny. Chris, our Miller sales rep, also heard the dream, and thought I was crazy.
At the beginning of the dream story
Chris: Did this really happen Megan, or is this a dream?
Megan: This was a dream.
Chris: Oh good, because if this was a real school, I want my daughter to stay far away from it.

After the dream was told
Chris: Megan, you've gotta stop drinking before you go to sleep!

Upon hearing that I don't, in fact, drink that much
Chris: Oh, well, maybe you should start drinking before bed.

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