Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Crazy Monday, Lazy Tuesday

Yesterday was crazy. It was the start of the new semester at IUN, and as of 9am when I started my work shift yesterday, I had not registered for classes this semester. My original plan was to work my shift until 3pm, and then drive to campus and talk to someone at the educational department and ask them for advice on which classes to take. You may be asking, why didn't I ask my advisor these questions. Well, when I heard the news that I wouldn't be student teaching, and I would have this semester open, I emailed my advisor, and left her a message at her office. Neither of these were returned by her. As I was getting ready to leave work, I thought I should try my advisor again and see if I couldn't get ahold of her. Well, luckily, she answered her office phone this time. Apparently she had not gotten my email or my message, so I had to explain to her why my semester was open. I thin asked her if we could move my last elective class to this semester rather than in the summer, and what are my options for the elective class. She stated that there was one class that was mostly online, except for a few Saturdays, and it was about the curriculum for preschool students. that sounded interesting, and I believe I had taken something similar to that before. However, when my advisor told me about the other class, a middle school math class, she got excited. There was a teeny time constraint though because it was supposed to start at 4pm that afternoon, and it was already 3 30. She was determined though. She was saying, "How far are you from campus? Can you come right now? You should really take this class, I can tell the teacher You'll be a little late!" I was a little overwhelmed, but I agreed to choose this one, and I set for campus, which luckily was about 20 minutes away, so I got there on time. My teacher is nice, and excitable. she seemed happy about everything and she was full of energy. We already have math unit plans scheduled and due. I chose to do an elementary geometry unit, which could be fun and challenging. I'm just glad that I don't have to waste this semester, and not take a class when I still have one to take.
One point about the class yesterday was that even though I was paying attention to what was on the syllabus, I was enthralled by this guy's shirt. He sat in front of me, so I could only look at the back, but it featured the scariest part of The Shining movie. If you've seen the movie, the scariest part in my opinion was when the kid, Danny comes across the two dead girls, and they start talking to him! The back of this shirt had their pictures and what they said. I only saw the front of the shirt for a little bit, but there was too much writing on it for me to read in that instant, and an online search has not shown me a duplicate. I want his shirt!!!!!
After school last night, I went to Melissa's, and played with her WiiFit. When I left there around midnight, it was snowing, and nobody had plowed anything, so the drive was kind of rough, but I made it home safely.
I had the day off from work today, and I just thought I would stay home and get some stuff done, like laundry and cleaning. Also here, I can do my own WiiFit. I've reached my weight loss goal for the last two weeks on my wii Fit, and I set up a new one for the next two weeks.

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