Sunday, January 10, 2010

"If you don't have a valentine, come anyway, and maybe you'll find one"

HeHe. Hi all. The title is an exert from the church bulletin this morning. Apparently, the youth group at my church are going to put together a valentine's dinner for the adults in the church. There will be an italian dinner, dance lessons, and babysitting available. Tickets per couple are $25 dollars. It kinda sounds like a really cheap prom to me. And just like my prom, I sort of have a date, but he will not be here to go. So if I go anyway, will I maybe find a valentine anyway? :)
I had a day somewhat planned, but I guess because it was somewhat planned, it fell apart. Yesterday, I talked to Melissa, and she stated that since today was Sunday, and I had the day off from work and would be in Munster anyway to go to church, why don't I stay in town and we can hang out. That sounded fine with me, so I got up early this morning and drove to church, and when that was done, I got in touch with Melissa. However, she had said that she wasn't expecting us to hang out during the day, and she had made plans during the day with her boyfriend Benjamin because supposedly he was leaving for an extended stay in Ohio tomorrow. I told her ok, and I would stay in town for a little while longer. Later this afternoon, we got in touch again, and she said she and Benjamin were going to see a movie at 5. I decided to just forget it and let them spend their day together. So I went home. I'm not mad exactly, don't know how to feel, but that's pretty normal.
I work 9-3 tomorrow, then I have to go to IUN. Have I mentioned that I am not student teaching in the spring anymore on this blog, not sure. If I did, I am sorry I am repeating myself. I ended up not passing one of the tests I took in November, and so I cannot student teach until I pass it. The next test date is in March, and I am already signed up to take it. It's just that now I have a semester that is completely wide open, and I have one more elective class to take. I have been trying to get in touch with me advisor to ask her what are my options, but she has not answered my emails or phone calls. So tomorrow, I have to make a trip to IUN and see if I can ask someone in the education department this question. Wish me luck.
Well, now I feel kind of depressed, so I am going to close here, goodnight all.

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