Monday, January 25, 2010


Overwhelmed is kind of the emotion I am feeling today. It was pretty much an all day emotion. I had my therapy session today, and we talked about how I should be more assertive towards more people in my life. My doctor did say that I had been assertive toward my life with my dad and moved out of his house, and apparently, I shouldn't stop there. future events hopefully will help me out with this.
After work today, I went to class and the overwhelming started right at the beginning. First, because of my lateness to register, I didn't get some messages from my teacher. and so I couldn't do the problems that were due today. But that's ok because we are not going to hand them in until next week. We then began the lesson. This whole class confuses me. I don't understand what is going on. The class is middle school math, but when I was in middle school and high school, I was in remedial math courses, so I have not been exposed to pre calculus, trigonometry or calculus work, but that's what it sounds like to me. Hopefully, this feeling will not last long.

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